
Create invoices to collect commissions

As of January 20, 2025, the UFV Agent Portal will be deactivated. For the Fall 2024 semester and forward, please follow the steps below to receive your agent commission.

Steps to submit your invoice


Review the student list

Approximately 3 weeks after the start of semester, UFV will send you a list of students confirming their status. You must review the list to verify which students are studying at UFV and eligible for commission.

If there are any discrepancies on the list, please email


Prepare an invoice on your company letterhead

Once you have confirmed the students eligible for commission, prepare an invoice on your company letterhead for payment. The invoice must include the following:

  • Company name and logo
  • Company address (must match the address that UFV has on file)
  • EPBC Application ID (code for submitting student applications; if you do not know your code, email
  • Include all commissionable students (with student full name and UFV student ID) on the invoice
  • Calculate the total amount payable and include that as the amount on the invoice

If you are claiming GST as a Canadian company, you must include your GST number.


Submit your completed invoice

Once you have confirmed that the invoice amount is correct, please send the completed invoice to before the due date (30 days after you receive the student list). Failure to submit invoice on time may result in delayed or non-payment.

Note: if your banking information has changed since your last invoice, please submit the updated information as soon as possible:

Vendor Direct Deposit Application (within Canada)

International Vendor Payments form (outside of Canada)

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